The Swandor Hotels & Resorts are the right address if you want to start your business life with a right and firm step…
We at the Swandor Hotels & Resorts have been working with the principles of all-inclusive hospitability and unconditional satisfaction of customers from the very beginning. We love so much what we do and, we know what is good for the spirit of our guests, being aware that the details are everything to make a difference. Being aware that each and every employee, who work faithfully to our working principles and values, reflects on our success, we treat them as carefully and warmly as we treat our guests.
To achieve together…
At the Swandor Hotels & Resorts, we rely on the cooperation. We respect the unique characteristics, background, points of view and experiences of our employees and, we care about you as a person. To that end, we provide many facilities and opportunities to increase the productivity of our employees and, make their time outside the working hours quality and enjoyable as much as possible.
An efficient training system is in place to increase the general and professional knowledge and, improve the personal skills and abilities of our personnel. These training activities take place throughout the season based on the requirements.