The Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway began operation in January of 2003, owns 510 route miles of track in Maine, Vermont and Quebec and employs approximately 170 people. The MMA operates about 15 trains daily with a fleet of 26 locomotives. Main-line operations are conducted regularly between Millinocket and Searsport, Maine, and from Brownville Junction, Maine to Montreal, Quebec. Service is also provided between Farnham, Quebec and Newport, Vermont to connect with the Northeastern U.S. Westbound trains to Montreal are pre blocked for Canadian Pacific destinations in the U.S. and Western Canada.
MMA connects with seven Class I, regional and local railroads and provides the shortest, most-direct rail link between Northern Maine, Saint John, New Brunswick and Montreal. In addition, MMA offers excellent access to port facilities on the Atlantic at Saint John, New Brunswick and Searsport, Maine.