The goal of the Jewish Community Foundation of Northeast Florida (JCF) is to help donors develop their own charitable giving plans. We are here to turn your passion into action.
JCF provides charitable gift planning services to the community according to each donor’s interests. Through confidential conversations with Foundation professionals, donors are able to create legacies that benefit their community and their heirs.
Foundation is a one stop charitable giving resource for the Jewish community. We are a service oriented agency ready to assist donors in vision setting, estate planning, and the drafting of agreements. Foundation planned giving staff can help donors to maximize their investment in charitable organizations that have real meaning for you.
In addition to meeting the needs of our donors, Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that our partners; Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue, Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple), Etz Chaim Synagogue, Jacksonville Jewish Center, Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, Jewish Community Alliance, Jewish Family and Community Services and River Garden Hebrew Home; will be there in the future so that generations to come will be able to enjoy our rich Jewish heritage and traditions.