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About Javier Eyman
Javier Eyman is Project Manager at Masmind in Juan Díaz de Solís 1359
Hurlingham, Buenos Aires 1686, AR. Previously worked at Fiebre as Community Manager. Masmind is a Marketing Services company in Juan Díaz de Solís 1359
Hurlingham, Buenos Aires 1686, AR with 6 employees
Javier Eyman Social
Javier Eyman Work
Javier Eyman is the Project Manager @Masmind, with experience in Community Manager @Fiebre
Masmind es una Agencia de Marketing Digital enfocada en ayudar a negocios a potenciar y profesionalizar su desarrollo en internet, mediante soluciones digitales como desarrollo web, publicidad, diseño gráfico y comunicación.
Masmind tiene más de 20 años de experiencia desarrollando soluciones digitales para todo tipo de clientes, tanto corporativos como Hyundai (hace más de 15 años que trabajamos juntos), Suzuki Motorcycles o Famly Argentina por mencionar algunos, así como también con emprendedores y pymes.
Queremos que tu negocio crezca, genere más ventas y ocupe el lugar que merece.
Masmind is a Digital Marketing Agency focused on helping businesses to enhance and professionalize their development on the Internet, through digital solutions such as web development, advertising, graphic design and communication.
Masmind has more than 20 years of experience developing digital solutions for all types of clients, both corporate and Hyundai (we have been working together for more than 15 years), Suzuki Motorcycles or Famly Argentina to name a few, as well as entrepreneurs and startups.
We want your business to grow, generate more sales and take the place it deserves.