Jasmina Pongracic
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Generalni Zastopnik
Company Details
201-500 Employees
GRAWE Group: "Reliable insurance cover for all" was Archduke Johann’s motto when he founded Grazer Wechselseitige in 1828. Since then, a multilateral, international company, which unites insurance companies, banks and real estate under its umbrella, has developed from the initial fire insurance company. The annual income derived from premium payments amount to 560.4 million EUR; and managed insurance policies amount to some 2.21 million. Fifteen Central and East European insurance subsidiaries are responsible for the company's international orientation. The GRAWE Group thus represents an important economic factor in Central and Eastern Europe. With its customer-friendly personal consultation as well as appropriate and tailor-made products, GRAWE guarantees international quality with domestic standards of security. GRAWE zavarovalnica d.d. - Prva mednarodna zavarovalna družba v Sloveniji🏦 GRAWE zavarovalnica d. d. (do 16. 6. 2001 PRIMA, mešana zavarovalna družba d.d.) na tem prostoru posluje že vse od leta 1991, ko je bila kot prva slovenska zavarovalna družba ustanovljena s tujim vlaganjem in na osnovi zasebne iniciative. GRAWE zavarovalnica d. d. je pomemben ponudnik avtomobilskih, premoženjskih, nezgodnih in življenjskih zavarovanj. Razvila je zelo uspešno sodelovanje z neodvisnimi podjetniki in družbami za zavarovalno zastopanje in posredovanje. Visoko usposobljeni sodelavci, lastna zastopniška mreža in sodelovanje s pooblaščenimi zastopniki prispevajo k doseganju načrtovanih poslovnih rezultatov.
Year Founded
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Insurance, General insurance companies, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Credit insurance companies
HQ Location
Gregorčičeva 39 Maribor, Slovenia 2000, SI
InsuranceLife InsuranceProperty InsuranceCar InsurancePension InsuranceNon-life InsuranceHealth Insuranceand Travel Insurance
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