Hybrid CoE is an international, independent network-based organization promoting a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to countering hybrid threats.
While understanding the changing security environment is essential, it is not enough to analyse the threats, but also to provide concrete tools for countering them. Hence, the Centre’s key task is to build participating states’ capabilities to prevent and counter hybrid threats. This is done by sharing best practices, testing new ideas and approaches, and providing training courses and exercises.
Hybrid CoE also has an important role as a platform between the EU and NATO, providing a forum for strategic discussions and joint training and exercises.
The excellence is achieved through Hybrid CoE’s cross-governmental, cross-sectoral networks, which consist of over 1,200 practitioners and experts working with hybrid threat- related tasks in participating states, in the EU or NATO, in the private sector and in academia.
As an actor connecting other actors from various societal sectors, the Centre’s aim is also to lead the conversation on hybrid threats by publishing a wide variety of publications and engaging with various partners in the field.
The Centre’s work is planned and coordinated by the Hybrid CoE Secretariat located in Helsinki, Finland.