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About Jared Blakney
Jared Blakney has 2 current jobs including at Potomac Asset Management Company in New York, New York, United States, Strategy And Operations at Smith Electric Vehicles. Previously worked at Potomac Asset Management Company as Associate, Portfolio Company Operations. Potomac Asset Management Company is a Investment Management company in 47 S Carroll St
Frederick, Maryland 21701, US with 2 employees
Potomac Asset Management Company ("PAMCO") is the parent of the Potomac family of enterprises, which includes an SEC-registered Investment Advisor with a focus on ERISA pension fund QPAM assignments and venture capital fund management, a FINRA-registered Broker-Dealer with a focus on private placements, two clean technology venture funds (each with a focus on renewable energy including grid solutions, energy storage, clean technology, and resource management), a half dozen ERISA pension fund separate accounts, a financial advisory consulting firm, and a variety of subsidiary investment vehicles. The firm has been in operation since 1983.
ERISA pension fund QPAM assignmentsVenture capital fund managementPrivate placementsRenewable energy investmentsGrid solutionsEnergy storageClean technologyResource managementFinancial advisory consulting
ERISA pension fund QPAM assignmentsVenture capital fund managementPrivate placementsRenewable energy projectsGrid solutionsEnergy storageClean technology investmentsResource managementERISA pension fund separate accountsFinancial advisory consultingSubsidiary investment vehicles