Leadership Job and Board Search is our core competency. We help leaders at all stages of their careers land a role that begins a new professional chapter. Our clients perform better in the highly competitive leadership marketplace and an overwhelming majority of them, over 90%, report achieving their goals as a result of their engagement with Waterman Hurst. Our clients are able to enter the job and board search market with a full understanding of what is available to them and how to navigate the market successfully given their goals. Select clients invest in our marketing execution services which typically generates multiple, viable options, so our clients are able to choose a position that fits their skills, expertise, values, financial requirements, as well as their career aspirations. Clients report that they more than double the search activity and number of offers they have been able to generate on their own. We have helped hundreds of "A" level leaders over the past 19 years.
We typically work in the following industries on behalf of our clients: Energy/Chemicals, Software/Internet/Technology, Entertainment/Media, Industrial/Manufacturing, Consumer Products/Retail, and Financial Services/FinTech.
We offer the following services:
Job and Board Search Preparation
Ongoing Coaching
360 Reference Management
End to End Job and Board Search Services (including Marketing Execution)
To best understand our services, as well as our client's return on investment, please view our Waterman Hurst Mission video in our feed and listen to our clients and team speak about our services. If you would like to hear and read more client testimonials, please visit our website.