The Children’s Tribunal System safeguards and promotes the welfare of children and young people who are in need of care, protection and guidance in Guernsey and Alderney. Established as part of the Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law, 2008 The Children’s Tribunal System is made up of three independent bodies: The Office of the Children’s Convenor, The Child Youth and Community Tribunal (CYCT) and The Children’s Convenor and Tribunal Board.
Children or young people identified as vulnerable and who may be in need of compulsory help are referred to the Office of the Children’s Convenor, a legally qualified independent holder of public office, who investigates the case. Referrals can come from anyone, but most often come from organisations such as Law Enforcement and the Health and Social Care Services.
If the Convenor believes there may be a need for compulsory intervention to ensure the child gets the help and support that they need, a hearing of the Tribunal is organised. The Tribunal will decide whether or not to make a legal order. The child/young person and their family or carers are central participants in the hearing that makes this decision.
Cases are heard by a panel of three Tribunal members, trained volunteers appointed by the Royal Court, who, on the basis of the facts and information presented, decide what action is required in the best interests of the child. The members are required to make an informed and unbiased decision which is legally binding.
The Children’s Convenor and Tribunal are overseen by The Convenor and Tribunal Board, an independent body with strategic oversight to monitor the performance of the Convenor and President of the Tribunal and to provide them with guidance and support. The Board is also responsible for securing the resources required to enable the Children’s Convenor, the President and the Tribunal to carry out their duties in accordance with the Law.