Since 1989, our ambition is to create workplaces, starting with our own, where people can thrive in a Clear Air Culture, able to bring the parts of themselves to work that allow them and others to be the most engaged and creative they can be in their roles.
We support the development of Conversational Integrity, the soft skills needed to harness the differences between us all, and can be used to help resolve disputes effectively.
Good Conversational Integrity leads to more effective interpersonal communication and encourages closing the gap between employee behaviours and organisational values, promoting ‘Clear Air’ and fearless workplaces, where employees feel empowered to challenge the status quo without the fear of reprisal.
CMP has been a leader in the field for nearly 30 years and is the UK’s leading providers of conflict management and dispute resolution training offering consultancy in managing workplace conflict, independent mediation, investigation, facilitation and conflict audit services.
Established in 1989 we are the UK's oldest workplace mediation training and services provider.
We offer services and training to organisations, so they have the skills needed to improve their Organisations Culture and Conflict Competence.
Work with us to:
• Measure and Close the Gap between your employee's behaviours and your organisational values
• Develop better Conversational Intelligence to harness difference and improve productivity
• Save time, money, and stress by being managing negative conflict effectively
• Professionalise your investigators with ILM Endorsed training
• Investigate a range of workplace complaints above the ACAS code
• Use mediation to deliver positive outcomes
• Resolve workplace conflicts no matter what the cause or the context
• Establish a Clear Air culture/workspace
• and much more… if it needs a conversation, we can help!
Formerly CMP Resolutions, Conflict Management Plus.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
HQ Location
Low Farm, Brook Road
Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 5NT, GB
Accredited mediatioAccredited investigatioNeutral AssessmentConflict managementAnti bullyingWorkplace MediatiowhistleblowingWorkplace investigatioSerious incident investigatioHarassment