ESTEPE is the number 1 strategic partner of the European truck manufacturers and the truck body industry when it comes to supplementing the standard product range of truck manufacturers. You get the best of both worlds: the OEM's high standards in terms of technology and quality, and ESTEPE's flexibility and inventiveness. We focus on the development and production of chassis modifications, cabin modifications and extra axles.
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, Lorries, Industrial Vehicles, Vehicles & Transport Equipment, Coachbuilding, Vervaardiging van producten van kunststof, Dienstverlening, Bedrijfsorganisatie en zakelijk advies
HQ Location
Cereslaan 15
Heesch, 5384VT, NL
Chassis optimisation - from extra axles up to relocating componentsAxles - Adding additional EML-axlespusher- and tag axles or steered axlesInterior - Adding seatbeltsseatsbeds and other modificationsand Cabin - Chamfered roofslowered roofshalf cabsextended cabs and low cabs