Deep MedChem provides AI-tools for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry.
Our unique molecular space representation allow for great speed up to many drug discovery tasks and we offer products that provide these.
CHEESE Search is a fast and scalable tool for searching very large chemical spaces. It is based on a deep learning model that learns molecule representations, and has the potential to be trainable and flexible to many molecule similarity aspects (2D, 3D, ...). Furthermore, the learned molecule representations can be leveraged for multiple downstream tasks such as molecular property prediction.
CHEESE Modeller is a tool for very fast training and predictions with predictive models for properties of molecules. CHEESE Modeller provides you with a intuitive UI to use existing and to train your own predictive models.
CHEESE Explorer builds on the extreme speed of our molecular similarity engine that allows for interactive exploration of the vast molecular spaces that have been inaccessible for detailed and interactive visualisation until now.
Our tools are available on our cloud and on premises (on customers' servers). You can try CHEESE Search for free at
Detailed documentation of CHEESE is available at
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