Canvasback Missions provides free specialty medical care throughout the Pacific Islands and operates a full-time diabetes wellness center on the island of Majuro in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We look for volunteer medical professionals of all specialties, nutritionists, educators, and media experts with hearts for service.
Our Mission: Through partnership between volunteer professionals and island communities, we bring health and wholeness to Micronesia through diabetes reversal, specialty healthcare, and health education.
Our Values: We believe that all people deserve a high quality of life through access to healthcare and health education. We address this by providing free and otherwise unavailable specialty healthcare in the Micronesian islands through surgeries and diabetes treatment programs, which provide resources and supplement existing healthcare systems.
How We Meet Our Goals:
1. Send 5-8 specialty teams per year, reaching over 2,100 people in any given year
2. Reach 3,500 children, 160 mothers, and 190 teachers per year through educational programs
3. Teach over 6 intervention programs per year, providing over 120 people with resources and information to prevent and reverse the effects of diabetes and to improve overall health for them as well as their families
4. Provide various resources to the Majuro community through the Wellness Center’s gardens and demonstrations kitchens, reaching over 2,500 people in any given year
5. Teach fitness classes in 14 schools, 1 community center, and the Wellness Center on Majuro, reaching over 4,000 people in any given year