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About Jamie Kline
Jamie Kline is Writer at NewsBlaze Pty. Ltd. in wichita, kansas, united states. Previously worked at The Allergy and Asthma Center, PC as Registered Nurse. NewsBlaze Pty. Ltd. is a Newspaper Publishing company in 7 Birch Way
Jerrabomberra, NSW 2619, AU with 5 employees
NewsBlaze is an independent online newspaper, covering business and world news, mainly for the US market, where most of our readers are. There are three editors and around 200 independent writers. The editors are in different timezones, to improve the speed with which we handle incoming stories. Editors are in Canberra, Australia, Houston, Texas, and Cagayan D'oro, Philippines.
A number of writers are retired journalists, who we call on to help us resolve questions about writing and investigating news stories. Our aim is to provide unbiased news on things readers care about - or would care about if they knew what was going on. We also have entertainment news, mostly movie, book and music reviews, because everyone needs some light entertainment too. The only section that isn't unbiased, is obviously the Opinions section, which we only moderate for good writing and good taste, otherwise opinions writers can exercise their free speech.