Skillify is dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness of our education system by implementing curriculum on professional development at the high school and college levels. We introduce real world skills and successful professionals to students, and empower students to pursue internships and opportunities aimed at creating their own success.
Skillify hosts day-long conferences consisting of interactive workshops where participants acquire crucial skills (everything from building a unique and relevant resume to making and nurturing connections) that complement the students' academics and provide them with a diversified skill set for the real world. Skillify also provides opportunities, like internships and mentorships. Our goal is to equip our students with the most relevant skills necessary to build successful careers, and to provide them with a competitive advantage.
- 100% of students say they found Skillify beneficial
- 100% of students say they would recommend Skillify to a friend
- 85% of students acquire professional opportunities while in high school
- 220 high schools impacted
Read about our vision at and Like us at To get in touch with us, please call 213-807-3335 or email We always welcome inspiration!
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