Coach Solutions create software solutions for the shipping industry to optimize vessel performance and voyage planning in order to maximize profit and minimize CO2 emissions.
We have one of the most reliable software solutions with unique vessels characteristics to optimize real-time performance and voyage planning.
Our Valid Collection is a collection of commercial shipping tools designed to give you high-quality data on which to base your commercial decisions without expensive investments.
It is about optimizing your fleet and getting the most of out your data. 120 validation points are used to verify the data entered by the vessel’s crew, which includes cargo data, position, consumption, speed, route, and more.
Additionally, hourly AIS positions and hindcast weather conditions are utilized to validate the data.
The best thing is that regardless of whether you choose our full package or just one of our solutions, it only requires a little effort from you.
After that, we will do all the work for you.
We call it, simplifying sustainable shipping.