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About James Honeycutt
James Honeycutt is at Credo Construction in Frisco, Texas, United States. Previously worked at Elevated Roofing as Vp Commercial- Vp Sales And Marketing. Credo Construction is a Construction company in 3201 N Dallas Pkwy
Suite 223
Frisco, Texas 75034, US with 4 employees
Redefining the relationship between people and business through benefit of service to others. Raising the standard on quality of service in the Roofing and Renewables Industries through organizational wellness and excellence.
Roofing and Solar are merging- with our T- S.T.A.R.C.™ Roof- we leverage the power of a brand new roof with while using it to create solar energy to power the facility. Utilizing our proprietary method- the solar can be almost free- and generate cashflow DAY 1!