What once started out as a student's interest project for a class, today the Campus Kitchen at Auburn University is a student-led 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in the heart of Auburn's campus. We are a hunger solutions organization that has two main goals: recovering leftover food from on-campus dining halls and utilizing this food to help serve members of our community. We fight food waste and hunger all at once!
The work that we do is truly a no-brainer. There is a desperate need for nutritional food in Auburn's community and the greater Lee County. Through our sponsorship as an organization by the Office of Public Service in University Outreach, we can put this work into action with our amazing team of volunteers. We are still part of a much bigger picture... CKAU has recovered 160,746+ pounds of food and served 153,400+ meals to members of both Auburn University and Lee County. Here's to many more!