Good Cycles is a social enterprise, with 100% of the revenue from our commercial activities including our bike shops, maintenance and logistics services going towards tackling youth unemployment
Our vision is an Australia focused on advancing equality, health and sustainability through bikes and cycling. We use bikes as a vehicle to create meaningful and lasting opportunities for people and communities in need. We are dedicated to addressing some of the key issues that impact the lives of young people in Australia: unemployment, mental health and sedentary lifestyles.
As a social enterprise, we use all of our commercial revenue to maintain our existing programs, increase our scope and capacity and support our social program participants. We provide immediate employment opportunities to those participating in our programs while establishing long-term employment outcomes through our extensive industry networks.
Good Cycles’ social programs work with those experiencing disadvantage from a range of communities – including at-risk youth, the long-term unemployed, the disengaged and socially isolated, the physically and intellectually disabled, alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres, youth justice and prisons, refugees and asylum seekers.