Staff Nursing is a Nursing Agency specialising in the placement of Staff Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Ancillary Staff into Private Nursing and Residential Care Homes across Northern Ireland.
Staff Nursing has experienced significant growth since it began in 2004 and is now very well established within its field. Our primary focus is providing staff of the highest quality and we believe that the investment we make pays dividends in the quality of care, confidence and knowledge of workers and reduction of human errors.
For this reason we established "Staff Training", our own specialised training department in 2008; who train, observe and assess all our workers at induction and annually thereafter (or more frequently if necessary) as well as delivering training to many of our Clients.
Staff Training has grown to become one of the leading providers of training to health & social care providers and staff in Northern Ireland. We specialise in mandatory induction and update training, nursing/care courses and simulation based training, and have recently expanded into non-healthcare settings with amazing success.