Karmê Chöling, a hidden gem nestled in the tranquil Green Mountains of Vermont, is a sanctuary from the noise and distractions of ordinary life. Surrounded by over 700 acres of serene forests, meadows, and streams, our retreat center offers a respite for those yearning to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and awaken to their true nature.
Founded in 1970 on the basis of Buddhist principles, Karmê Chöling is a beacon for those seeking wisdom, compassion, and self-discovery. Our nonprofit center supports students on their journey of personal growth through a combination of study, practice, and immersive experiences. The insights gained at Karmê Chöling can be integrated into every facet of life from personal to societal.
We offer a diverse range of programs designed to meet the needs and interests of our students. Whether you are a beginner seeking an introduction to meditation or an advanced practitioner looking for deep retreats, we accommodate all levels of experience. In our programs you can immerse yourself in meditation, steep in mindfulness or contemplative practices, explore a body awareness discipline, or delve into the teachings of wisdom traditions. Our instructors will gently guide you on a journey of awareness and self-discovery.
Karmê Chöling has a vibrant year-round residential program as well as being a haven for individuals and groups seeking profound personal growth. By immersing yourself in our mindfulness-based community, you will have the unique opportunity to bring the principles of kindness and awareness into your daily life. Whether you choose to stay long-term or attend one of our shorter non-residential retreats, Karmê Chöling offers a supportive and nurturing environment for your personal and spiritual development.