Responsible for Florida Keys Community College information technology and telecommunications design, infrastructure, and operation. Led two departments (Information Technology and Distance Leaning) with staff of 20+ supporting over 200 employees and 2800 students. Managed and executed an annual budget exceeding $1,000,000USD amongst seven accounting organizations.
• Transformed an ageing institutional infrastructure into a 21st Century educational environment including a campus-wide upgrade from frame-relay to metro ethernet, delivering greater and bandwidth and sustainability; the installation of a secure wireless network delivered to three campuses; redesigned several classrooms and lecture halls to include state-of-the-art presentation resources as well as oversaw the completion of a satellite campus with regards to IT; restructured an existing video conferencing system allowing classroom and lecture interchange between inter-state institutions. These efforts resulted in more effective, efficient, and stable teaching and learning opportunities.
• Leader and manager of multiple software projects, including the completion of the legacy ERP migration (to Ellucian’s Banner); multiple Banner version upgrades; implemented a variety of major software projects: online student portal, including application, registration and payment, email, and degree auditing; Enrolment Management (CRM recruiting resource); Travel and Expense. These efforts resulted in increased employee efficiencies, augmented reporting capabilities, and increased student access and satisfaction.
• Aligned IT policy and procedure with the college strategic planning resulting in a more cohesive IT investment and more cost-effective acquisition and implementation.
Professional Affiliations /Leadership Activities /Licensure
• Technology Advisory Board, SunGard Higher Education
• Florida State Management Information Systems Task Force
• Florida State Information Technology Standards Work Group