Independent production company founded in London (2009) by Izaskun Arandia, now based in Donostia since 2013. Independent, low budget films and short films with a social content, working mainly with women directors and technical teams of at least 50% women.
- Non Dago Mikel? (dir. Amaia Merino & M. A. Llamas) – documentary (2021) premiered at the 2020 San Sebastian International Film Festival
- 2 Urte 4 Hilabete eta Egun 1 (dir. Lander Garro) – documentary (2020) premiered at the 2020 San Sebastian Human Rights Film Festival
- Bihar Dok Amairu (dir. Ander Iriarte & Ander Bereziartua) – documentary premiered at the 2019 San Sebastian International Film Festival
- Muga Deitzen da Pausoa (dir. Maider Oleaga) - documentary premiered at the 2017 San Sebastian International Film Festival
- To Say Goodbye (dir. Matt Richards) – animated documentary premiered at the 2012 San Sebastian International Film Festival