Profimedia is the largest czech photobank that provides licences for usage of photos taken by world´s best photographers. Without even realizing, you see our images every day. You will find them all around you: in magazines, in newspapers, on the internet, in adverts, in TV or as photographs on the walls of your favourite restaurant.
Profimedia has over 350 world class suppliers of images from all areas: stock images, news, celebrities, fashion, food, garden, portraits, paparazzi, historical photos, reports, art, music, film stills. The most prestigious partners of Profimedia are for example AFP, August, CPi, Splash, Backgrid, Everett, The Mega Agency, Magnum Photos, The New York Times, Sipa Press, TASS, Figaro, Topfoto, UPPA, Zuma Press and many others.
Company headquarters is in Pardubice, from here we manage business in ten countries of Central and Southeastern European region: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro and Bulgaria. Besides Pardubice we have offices in Prague, Budapest and Zagreb.
Profimedia cooperates with majority of media houses, advertising agencies and graphic studios.