Large playground for chuldren. 350m2 of area inside a building and additionaly 150m2 of area outside the building with the only one giantic space ship for children (6 meters high) and lots of other stuff outside the building. Inside the building lots of area toplay, 300m of corridors from the ground to 5 meters high where children have lots of fun to go through this area. In addition the only one in south poland clibing wall 95 meters high) for children (starting from age of 2 years) when children can discover how much fun of climbing in a proffesional way can have a boy or girl. we offer also internet stations for childrens, areas fordoing birthday parties inside this wonderfull place and special place for parent where they can rest , drink lots of testefull coffies and use internet acees for free. So parents can do they work when children instead of disturbing them have lots of fun. We also do special course for children where every child can discover how intelligent is he/she and to find out that learning can be very interresting. More about this in our special web site for this area