Story Productions is a full-service creative company based in Brazil, with production teams in São Paulo, Manaus, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. We are a network of multi-lingual, talented professionals, from researchers, writers, producers, directors, fixers, shooters and editors.
We provide high-level support for international production companies, across documentary, reality TV, news and commercial formats, as well as corporate and branded video content. Think of us as your local production team. We understand the challenges of filming in Brazil, and can open doors to people and places.
What sets us apart? We look for beauty in every image, we turn ideas into engaging video, and we love solving problems. Our clients trust us to deliver, on every shoot.
Find out more at or email for a quote.
Alternatively, give us a call on:
tel: +55 11 23651375
cel: +55 11 981938456