"Ukranimafilm" - Ukrainian animation studio, founded in 1959 on the basis of the Kievnauchfilm studio. During 55 years of it’s creative production more than 350 animated works of different genres were made. Studio’s library is presented by new works, as well as legendary animation: "The Adventures of Captain Wrungel," "Doctor Aibolit," "Treasure Island," "How the Cossacks...", "Alice in Wonderland", "Kapitoshka", "Petya Pyatochkin", etc.
Studio library contains:
- Masterpieces of classical hand-drawn animation
- Cartoons for family viewing;
- Cartoons for children;
- Tales and parables;
- Thematic collections.
Currently the studio is working on feature-length cartoons, multy-episode and author animation projects. One of the latest projects - animated series about superheroes "Adventures of Kotigoroshko and his friends," which were premiered in Ukraine on the 24th of August, 2014 on TV channel "1 +1". Also for release is currently being prepared a cartoon "Babai" - the first full-length Ukrainian cartoon.