Knauf Performance Materials is the specialist for industrial and horticultural products as well as natural and sustainable building materials based on refined perlite.
Among these building materials are mineral interior insulation boards, floor levelling fills and insulation fillers. The product range also includes PERLIGRAN® plant substrates, VOLITE® the maximum performance for unlimited possibilities an the lightweight additive for more quality and CRYOPERL®, the full service for low-temperature insulation.
The traditional Dortmund-based company sees itself as a driving force for innovation in the construction industry – a claim that is impressively demonstrated time and again by its many new innovations and refinements to outstanding products. Knauf Performance Materials is known for its almost limitless range of applications as well as its state-of-the-art product technology, intelligent systems and service-oriented ideas and practices.
PERLIGRAN® - The perlite for horticulture:
VOLITE® - Enhances your product:
CRYOPERL® - We care for cold:
Knauf Performance Materials GmbH GMBH
Postfach 10 30 64
44030 Dortmund
Tel: (+49) 2 31- 99 80 01
Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 2156
UST-ID-Nr. DE124904676
Geschäftsführer: Benno Böhm, Christoph Dorn, Peter Gassen
Data protection
Legal notice
Building Materials, Minerals, Stones & Minerals, Energy & Raw Materials, Coatings, bitumen or coal tar based, Chemical products, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Asphalt, tar and bituminous products, Sealing compounds, bituminous, Building insulation and weather-proofing contractors
HQ Location
Kipperstraße 19
Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen 44147, DE
GartenbauproduktePerlit-PflanzensubstrateBaustoffe auf der Basis von veredeltem PerlitInnendämmungSchüttungenIndustrieperliteand Niedrigtemperatur-Isolierungen