Eco-Mail is the leading enterprise software provider that digitizes an organization's mail. Our solution eliminates sorting in the mailroom and physical delivery to recipients facilitates remote work by both individuals and groups. In addition to tremendous cost savings, Eco-Mail streamlines operations; improves process, audit and compliance controls; and allows businesses to be more flexible and responsive. Downstream scanning, duplication, and interoffice mail are virtually eliminated.
Only Eco-Mail provides a unified platform solution that provides secure, auditable, intelligent digital mail distribution from mailroom to integration with each customer’s existing line-of-business systems. The platform supports every department in an organization and is user configurable to meet specific workflow, document identification and data extraction requirements. Eco-Mail is more than just a digital delivery, it is an Enterprise-Wide Digital Transformation.
Our sole focus on digital mail ensures that our product is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our current and future customers.