Founded by award-winning director and Disney animation veteran, Dominic Carola, Premise Entertainment is a vibrant creative hub located in Central Florida. Our team, made up of former Walt Disney Feature Animation professionals and industry experts, is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.
Specializing in animation, film, publishing, themed entertainment, and commercial advertising, Premise Entertainment is your go-to source for innovative content and creative services. Whether we're developing original projects or collaborating as a support and co-production studio, our passion for character development and artistic excellence drives everything we do. From initial story concept to final compositing, editorial, and post-production, we deliver content that engages and inspires.
Movies, Videos, and Sound, Motion Picture and Video Industries, Information
HQ Location
Orlando, Florida 32819, US
Feature AnimatioStory DevelopmentScript DevelopmentVisual DevelopmentStoryboardingAnimatioCharacter DesigCommercial AdvertisingPublishingIllustratio