Kalzoom Advisors is a Digital Marketing Agency specializing in Social Media Management, running awareness campaigns and content development founded by Dr. Ganesh Natarajan (Former CEO – Zensar Technologies and currently on the boards of State Bank of India, Hinduja Global, Educate Girls and AVPN) and Dr Uma Ganesh (Founder & Managing Director of Global Talent Track) with Ipsita Nayak as CEO.
We specialize in the following areas
• Digital Brand Building including Brand Framework, Brand Identity and translate the same into messaging and communication elements across mediums
• Development of Wordpress websites. We provide end to end services in website development including wire framing, design, development, content, hosting as well as ongoing support and maintenance
• Conceptualizing and executing social media campaigns to build engagement and advocacy.
• Multi-format content development for website and digital platforms like YouTube, Facebook etc.
• Implementation of Digital Strategy and identification of new channels for strategic partnerships.
• Implementing SEO and optimization tools to increase efficacy of digital marketing activities.