VILAGE Brazil Intellectual Property provides information and services to worldwide Patent and Trademark Attorneys and IP Professionals about the protection of IP rights in Brazil.
With the vast expertise of its mother-company, VILAGE-Marcas-e-Patentes (Trademarks and Patents), a leading Bazilian IP Firm founded in 1986, we also count with 22 Offices established across Brazil on its main capitals.
Our experienced inter-disciplinary team, accredited with ISO 9001:2008 Standards, includes Patent and Trademark Consultants, Business and technology Consultants, Engineers, Technical Translators and IP Lawyers.
Brazil as a large economy and an emergent market (BRICS) has received special attention on IP matters by global companies. Strategic and agile information, without charges, has become a business generator tool it has led IP Practitioners to a strategic and cost-effective protection of IP assets of their clients in the country.
Explore our Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Design and Regulatory Affairs practices in Brazil at