thyssenkrupp Steel, based in Duisburg, is one of the leading flat carbon steel suppliers. With around 26,000 employees and highly efficient plants, the company produces around 11 million metric tons of crude steel a year, making it the biggest flat steel producer in Germany.
As a pioneer of climate-friendly steel production, thyssenkrupp Steel has set itself the target of producing up to 3.5 million metric tons of climate-neutral steel a year from as early as 2030. By 2045 at the latest, steel production is to be completely climate-neutral. With bluemint® Steel, thyssenkrupp Steel already offers certified steels with up to 70% reduced CO2 intensity.
The range of services extends from customer-specific material solutions to material-related services. A wide range of sectors are served internationally, including the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, special vehicle construction, the household appliance and packaging industries, the energy sector and the construction industry.
Mining, Steel, crude, Steel & Metals, Metallurgy & Metalworking, Sheet metal expanders, Industrial subcontractors, Metals, Machinery & Engineering, Sheet metal working services, Fluorkunststoffe, Biegen
HQ Location
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 100
Duisburg, NRW 47166, DE
Unseren Qualitätsflachstahl bieten wir in bewährter Qualität auch CO2-reduziert an. Neben WarmbMittelbBandblechOberflächenveredelten und organisch beschichteten Produkten runden ElektrobVerpackungsstahl und Werkstoffverbunde unser umfangreiches Portfolio ab.