NGO "Child Line" provides free and anonymous emotional support to children and teenagers by phone and online. "Child Line's" counselors are volunteers who listen to the children's stories, try to support them and find ways how to solve their difficulties.
By providing help to children on the European helpline number 116111, "Child Line" cooperates with the professionals of the National Children's Rights Protection and Adoption Institution which makes it possible to secure access to social and legal counselling services.
"Child Line" mission is not only to provide help to children and teenagers by phone and online, but also to raise the awareness of adults and all the society about the reasons that make children suffer and about the ways how to help them.
In 2004 “Child Line” initiated the national campaign „WITHOUT BULLYING“ ( The fundamental goal of this campaign is prevention of bullying and violence. In March "Child Line" initiates "Awareness Raising Month WITHOUT BULLYING" aimed at changing the attitude of society towards bullying from favorable into unfavorable.
In 2011 "Child Line" joined the project "Safer Internet" which has been implemented in Lithuania in compliance with the EC Programme. The functions of “Child Line” is to provide support service for children and teenagers by answering online questions and telephone calls related to their use of online technologies. “Child Line” also consults parents online on the issues of child safety on internet.
For many years „Child Line“ has been the member of the Lithuanian Association for Emotional Support Services, founding member of „Child Helpline International“ that unites 191 child helplines in 145 countries over the globe, founding member of the European Anti-bullying Network that unites 17 organizations from 13 European countries. “Child Line” is also a member of Safer Internet consortium in Lithuania ( and is associated with INSAFE network.