Unique Liquidity is the market's most precious resource. PriceOn™ from TraderTools Inc. enables clients to create their own Unique Liquidity electronic streams. TraderTools distributes users’ Unique Liquidity to hundreds of market participants eager to access Unique Liquidity. Clients can license PriceOn™ as part of the full TraderTools liquidity management suite, or as a separate module integrated to other FX trading technologies.
Software Development, Financial Software, Software, Other
HQ Location
1325 Ave of Americas
Suite 2702
New York, NY 10019, US
FX TraderTools platformFX liquidity aggregatioFX pricing engineFX white-labellingglobal FX order managementFX algo tradingFX auto-hedgingFX smart order routingfully-hosted SaaS FX trading platformAlgorithmic Price Making