The Globe Post is the flagship news outlet of The Globe Post Media, a US digital media organization, delivering quality news, analysis, and commentary. It was launched in 2016.
The Globe Post is publishing breaking news, feature articles, analysis, commentary, interviews, book reviews, infographics, and videos. Our cornerstone content includes all-in-one pieces about one particular subject - data-driven, well-told, informative articles rich with videos, and graphics.
We are working with over 50 journalists around the world, with a particular emphasis on rights violations, civil liberties, press freedom, minority rights, and democratization.
The press has been under tremendous pressure lately, both by despots and due to unsustainable business models. Without it, powerful individuals are easily able to get away with their actions. We intend to satisfy people’s need to learn, be informed and hold governments, individuals and corrupt companies accountable.
We believe that reporting rights violations, without discrimination or favor, add to the fear of those who commit them. We believe that every respected news media, in ways small and big, is helping eliminate the latest scourge of autocracy that sweeps across the world. We see ourselves at the front of this cause.
We also believe that readers should not jump from one article into another while searching for certain information and they should be able to find most information about a certain subject within a single piece. Every month, we publish a number of comprehensive articles, filed by people right on the ground, about world’s trending topics.