Based in Vietnam, VNF is a leading global shrimp co-products processor. Since 2014, VNF has successfully developed a unique biotechnological production model with a Zero-Waste production mindset.
As a result, VNF has been able to valorize underexploited shrimp co-products into 4 mass-produced comprehensive product portfolios:
- Food Ingredients (Shrimp Powders, Shrimp Oil, Shrimp Extract, Shrimp Sauce, etc.)
- BioNutrients (Shrimp Protein Hydrolysates, functional peptides, etc.)
- BioPolymers (Chitin, Chitosan, Oligochitosan, Chitosan derivatives, etc)
- Natural Astaxanthin
Before VNF stepped in, shrimp heads and shells were a burden to the environment, shrimp processors, restaurants (anyone who handled shrimp). But, worst of all, the nutrients and value within the by-products continued to be ignored and discarded as waste.
Now, VNF is simultaneously valorizing the shrimp co-products, helping the environment, and creating more sustainable and value-added novel products for the growing population.
As we continue in this industry, VNF hopes our work will make the food supply systems better. The world should see ‘by-products’ as ‘co-products’ because value and nutrition do not stop only at the meat.