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About Igor Potyomkin
Igor Potyomkin is Java Developer at in ukraine. Previously worked at GoIT - start your career in IT as Junior Java Developer. is a IT Services and IT Consulting company in Komarova 6a
Chernivtsi, Chernivetska 58000, UA with 87 employees
Thanks to our 8 years of expertise and clear reputation, quality recruitment selection in the shortest period of time (2-4 weeks), nurturing developers by our own academies, transparency in progress and rates, and orienting on your needs we helped more than 50 projects and have 30+ feedback
⭐ Our professional developers are experts in:
Ruby on Rails
✅ Inventorsoft provides a perfect combination of:
• Transparency
• Custom-oriented Support
• Quality recruitment selection
Our company is not just a performer, but a reliable partner, and that is why we have been able to establish and maintain successful long-term relationships with a considerable number of clients, which we are extremely proud of. We are responsible for our actions and customer feedback because we value our reputation and clients.
✅ Why us:
8 years of expertise and spotless reputation
50+ cases with foreign customers
30+ feedback on our work
28 own completed academies in different directions
So, if you need high-quality product development, contact us!