We help B2B companies to maximize the advertising ROI, reaching as many potential customers as possible, wasting the fewest number of them.
We use an approach that is not only creative, but above all analytical: we constantly supervise the performance of your advertising campaigns and in the meantime we create variations in competition with each other. This continuous cycle of web analytics and testing, based solely on the facts, leads at the end to the best strategy.
Start today to advertise your company with targeted marketing campaigns and successful digital strategies.
Designing a website is not just developing something that has a graphic appeal, but it's ensuring an effective information architecture.
Visitors rarely read, most of the time they scan. Therefore content must be studied very carefully and arranged in a easily readable hierarchy and navigation schemas must be intuitive and perceptive.
Design along with us a website that exactly communicate the planned message to the prearranged target market, optimizing the advertising budget.
Any digital strategy must be measurable, otherwise you cannot discover its weaknesses or initiate countermeasures.
The analysis of your website data is also an incredible marketing tool to:
- Identify new markets.
- Determine the effectiveness of traditional advertising (billboards, media, etc..).
- Measure the ROI of events or exhibitions.
- Evaluate the strength of the affiliates.
- Check the level of Social Media engagement.
Do not leave your website left to itself.
Rely on Idea R to measure performances and use the collected data to improve your turnover.