Who We Are
Founded in 2018, LAB2DEV quickly established itself as the leading reference in SAP Business Technology Platform in Brazil. We specialize in creating innovative solutions through BTP, utilizing the most advanced SAP technologies to drive the digital transformation of our clients. We believe that with BTP, there are no limits to transforming a company into an intelligent organization in a simple, agile, and effective manner.
We understand that behind every business opportunity, there are people looking to make their daily lives easier. Therefore, we develop solutions that optimize the time of people within organizations, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: the growth and success of the business.
Our Mission
We aim to continue leading by offering new possibilities for SAP teams and clients to benefit from the latest technology. We believe in the agile and simplified adoption of advanced technologies, provided there is a well-prepared platform like SAP BTP. This is the core of our studies and dedication, and the foundation of our promise to be not only the largest but also the best SAP BTP service provider.