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About Igal Gurevich
Igal Gurevich is Senior Vice President at SFI Group in Eliezer Kaplan 17
Tel Aviv, IL. Previously worked at Ministry of Economy and Industry-משרד הכלכלה והתעשייה as Senior Vp At Israeli Investments Authority. SFI Group is a Investment Management company in Eliezer Kaplan 17
Tel Aviv, IL with 31 employees
The SFI Group is a public benefit company bringing an innovative approach to addressing social challenges in Israel. The Group consists of 3 leading social organizations in Israel - Social Finance Israel, the Nova Project, and Midot and is part of a global network of Social Finance organizations with sister organizations in the UK, the United States, and the Netherlands. We develop and implement innovative models and tools – outcomes-based models, data, impact measurement, quantitative research, and data-based management that allow us to improve the effectiveness of social services and measure the impact of our work on Israeli society. The SFI Group was established by Sir Ronald Cohen and Yaron Neudorfer in 2013 and is best known for implementing innovative blended finance models that bring together funding from diverse sources - philanthropy, investments, public financing, and more, to solve social challenges, directly integrating the private and social sectors. The Group works with all segments of Israeli society - social, public, and private sectors.