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About Ian Foster
Ian Foster is Executive Director at C.A.T.E.R (Fairclough Corporation) in perth, western australia, australia. Previously worked at Gemco as Systems Engineer. C.A.T.E.R (Fairclough Corporation) is a Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing company in 6 Bombardier Rd
Wangara, Western Australia 6065, AU with 17 employees
The parent company, Fairclough Corporation Pty Ltd, has a core strategy and focus of research, development, prototyping and testing of products for commercial readiness.
Having been formed in 1996, it initially concentrated on improving service and maintenance support for existing rail instrumentation systems, specifically ultrasonic rail flaw detection. This expanded into other self developed rail inspection instruments offering a unique and innovative range and advanced user-orientated software systems.
The Centre for Advanced Transport Engineering and Research (C.A.T.E.R) was established to design, develop, manufacture and support rail specific inspection systems. Its prime technical focus is to offer rail flaw detection (RFD) systems with improved detection accuracy, repeatability and ease of use. This led to the development of the ultrasonic ULTRAWave RFD, VIDWave vision capture system and post testing RIPWave analysis systems.
The versatile pedestrian and small vehicle mounted HANDWave carrier for the ultrasonic rail flaw detection (ULTRAWave LITE) and vision capture system (VIDWave) systems provides a cost effective and tailored solution to meet individual customer needs.