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About Hugo Rocha
Hugo Rocha is Sales Department at Moldmak - Manufacturing Technologies, S.A. in 葡萄牙 亚未洛 阿威罗. Previously worked at CHETOCORPORATION as Customer Process Improvement. Moldmak - Manufacturing Technologies, S.A. is a Machinery Manufacturing company in Avenida Ferreira de Castro 1237
Oliveira de Azeméis, Aveiro 3720-024 , PT with 9 employees
Aware of the strong competitiveness of the worldwide market for machine tool production and bearing in mind the requirement for quality and commitment to efficiency and sustainability, Moldmak is the result of more than 35 years of experience, research and development in the manufacture of molds. In order to distinguish itself from the competition by creating even more efficient production solutions, at the technical and economic level, Moldmak comes to fill an absence of solutions in the market of mold’s intelligent production systems.
Since its start, the company integrates a team with extensive national and international experience and with demonstrated results in the sector. In fact, it was the dissatisfaction with the functional limitations of the machines used in the mold industry, which created the opportunity to develop a new business project.
Only with the accumulated experience of the team, the deep knowledge of the molds' production process and the domain in the development of high precision CNC machines, it is possible to raise the bar of the current state of the art, establishing a new product of great impact in the sector.