“Aharai!” is a social and educational association engaged in developing young leadership, as well as encouraging social involvement among youth and young adults. The members begin contact with “Aharai!” at the last crossroad when their future can still be influenced by education. Through educational programs which connect the participants to milestones of the Israeli society, the organization instills in its school-aged members a feeling of success while encouraging them to integrate as contributing citizens in Israeli society.
The central idea of ”Aharai!” is to instill in youth a sense of success and ability with the belief that each and every one of us has the potential to lead a normal life, to become an equal citizen of this country, regardless of where he or she was born and where he or she grew up.
The Vision
Every child in Israel will receive the appropriate tools in order to design a future for for him- or herself
Every person in Israel will be responsible for his or her future and the future of their community.
Israeli society will be a democratic, pluralistic and peace-loving society.
Organizational Goals
Increasing youths’ preparedness and readiness for full and meaningful service in the IDF.
Educating youth for active citizenship and social involvement.
Raising awareness of democracy and fostering tolerance, Zionism and love for the land.
Navigating at-risk youth to the path of success.
Training young leadership, particularly among the at-risk population.
"אחריי!" הנה עמותה חינוכית חברתית הפועלת במטרה להצמיח מנהיגות צעירה ולעודד מעורבות חברתית בקרב בני נוער וצעירים הנמצאים בצומת הדרכים האחרון בו ניתן להשפיע על עתידם באמצעות חינוך.
באמצעות תכניות חינוכיות המחברות לאבני דרך בחברה הישראלית נוטעת העמותה בחניכיה תחושת הצלחה ומסוגלות ומעודדת אותם להשתלב כאזרחים תורמים בחברה הישראלית.
בחברה שבה יותר ויותר אזרחים אינם מרגישים שייכים למדינה תנועת "אחריי!" אומרת - המדינה היא אנחנו ומה שנעשה הוא שיהיה!