Age UK Leeds is a local independent charity.
OUR VISION: Older people living in Leeds will be valued, their voices will be heard and they will be able to enjoy positive, independent lives.
Age UK Leeds supports older people living with frailty, physical or mental long term conditions and disabilities.
We work city-wide, 7 days per week.
We combat loneliness and isolation
We work in partnerships to achieve the best outcomes for older people in Leeds
We reduce pressures on health and social care services.
Our Strategic Aims:
1. Independence
Older people living with frailty or with physical or mental long term conditions and disabilities will maintain their independence
2. Social Connections
“No one Should Have No One”
3. Health and Wellbeing
Older people living with frailty or long-term conditions or disabilities will achieve optimal physical, mental, and emotional health & wellbeing
4. Resilience, choice and control
Older people and their carers will build and maintain resilience to deal with major life changes and make informed decisions, exercising choice and control
5. Positive contribution
Older people will make a positive contribution through being active, engaged, respected and valued