Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) was established in 1953 under Societies Act to promote the cause of Science and Technology in the country. Since 1973, it is functioning under the Act of Parliament, which was amended in 1984. The Chief Executive of the Council is the Chairman, who is appointed by the Federal Government.
There are eleven Laboratories / Units and five HRD Centres established throughout the country, headed by Director Generals / Directors who directly report to the Chairman. In Head Office, 150 officers/staff including 07 Directors are working in different divisions/wings. There are 570 Scientists / Engineers / Technologists working in different Laboratories supported by 859 technicians/skilled workers/supporting staff and 1125 non-technical (administrative/accounts/security etc.) staff.
Advanced MaterialsBio MaterialsChemical Analysis and TestingFood Testing and AnalysisLeather TestingBio Compatibility TestingISO CertificationHuman Resource DevelopmentResearch and Development of MaterialsProduct and Development