⚡️At Wild Thunder Studio, the magic behind a world-class gaming experience is revealed through the work of 100+ experienced 2D, 3D game artists, developers and designers. Our recruited team members with years of designing and development backgrounds have joined force and now have one focus of bringing you the most outstanding result regarding every element of our project.
⚡️Founded in 2021, we are the powerhouse behind “Realms of Ethernity” 🔥 a Play-to-Earn MMORPG, who is not only one of the most anticipated blockbuster of 2022, but also a game-of-games hosting other metaverses👾.
⚡️Being a new studio, when it comes to our trademark, we want to focus on 3 things:
1️⃣ Emotion: Open up a whole new world of sophisticated state of mind.
2️⃣ Experience: Focus on using cutting edge technologies and design to build you an exclusive reality.
3️⃣ Exclusive: Nurture a strong and close knitted community.
⚡️We understand each person’s circumstances may be unique and will work with you to explore possible interim options!
🔎 We are looking for various talents in #unitydevelopment, #gamedevelopement, #websitedevelopment and various 2D, 3D artists.
Find out more at: www.wildthunder.studio
Check us out at other socials: https://linktr.ee/wildthunderstudio