Forsa is a company that offers comprehensive solutions through different formwork systems (falsework/molds/formwork), multidirectional scaffolding systems and special engineering solutions for the construction of buildings and infrastructure works in more than 30 countries in which we are operating.
Construction, Architectural & Structural Metals Manufacturing, Manufacturing Sector
HQ Location
Zona Franca permanente del Cauca, Parque Industrial y Comercial del Cauca, Etapa 1 - Guachené - Cauca
Guachené, CO
Formaleta I-100 para infraestructuraSistemas de Andamios MultidireccionalesFormaleta de Acero MaderaFormaleta de AluminioForsa PlusSistema TrepanteForsa InfraestructuraServicio de acompañamiento técnicoencofradosformas