i.Know is a Belgian company developing ways to handle the information overflow today’s society has to cope with. By performing an automatical qualitative analysis on all kinds of data, i.Know's 'Information Forensics' Technology gives structure to unstructured data piles so that they can be easily unlocked, accessed, searched an enriched.
i.Know stands for and develops Intelligent Knowledge Management Systems: smart software tools and applications for information and knowledge management. Its technology leads to Knowledge Streaming applications (such as the one described in this article), streamlining multiple information sources autonomously into knowledge via one interface in real time. Knowledge Streaming hence allows people and enterprises to anticipate all kinds of situations with well-informed decisions, based on true understanding of all available data; on the spot, whenever and wherever needed.
i.Know was founded in 2001 by Michaël Brands and Dirk Van Hyfte. The company is currently located at the Diepenbeek Wetenschapspark, close to the Hasselt University, and consists of a small team of highly skilled and specialised linguists and IT professionals.
In order to develop its technology and applications, i.Know partners with several eminent enterprises and participates in a number of research projects, all intelligently dealing with information and knowledge. Please visit www.iknow.be for more information.