The Caucaseco Scientific Research Center brings together a consortium of research centers that have a history of more than 20 years in biomedical research with special emphasis on human malaria. Members of this Consortium include, among others, the International Vaccine Center (CIV), the Primate Center Foundation (FUCEP), and the ASOCLINIC Molecular and Clinical Research Center, all of which have a significant history of research funded by the government of Colombia through the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation COLCIENCIAS and by international financing organizations such as the WHO, the European Union, the IAEA and NIH. Caucaseco was created in 2004 with the support of the NIAID-sponsored Tropical Medicine Research Center (TMRC) program. The administrative activities necessary for the development of the TMRC showed the need to create a more solid and complete organization, for which the CIV, FUCEP and ASOCLINIC joined forces to form the Caucaseco Scientific Research Center (Core A), which provides laboratories, facilities to house animals, transport services, accounting, quality control and communications, among others. The Consortium for Scientific Research is a strategic alliance created for the scientific strengthening and supply of services for diagnosis and clinical research and environmental analysis in Colombia. It is made up of the Laboratory of the International Vaccine Center Foundation (CIV), the Primate Center Foundation (FUCEP), the Center for Applied Biotechnology (CBA), the Caucaseco Scientific Research Center (CIC) and the Asoclinic Immunology Ltda. Clinical Laboratory. consortium is dedicated to biomedical research, offering diagnostic services and developing projects with multiple groups and research centers around the world for the development of vaccines and drug testing.